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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 6 <br />F. Requests from PZ <br />At their October 28th meeting, the Planning Commission <br />unanimously recommended that an ordinance be drafted that will <br />allow for "lot line adjustments": Exceptions to Platting: The <br />City may allow a transfer of property by resolution of the City <br />Council provided that: 1. Property owner provide survey of the <br />property to be conveyed; 2. Transfer of property will not result <br />in either piece of property becoming non -conforming, 3. Property <br />conveyed must be combined with the parcel to which it is to be <br />attached with the result being one legal description for entire <br />parcel. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the staff to prepare an <br />ordinance dealing with "lot line adjustments" as recommended by <br />the Planning Commission. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The Planning Commission has asked that the proposed MUSA Business <br />Park/Office Parks Ordinance be reviewed by our City Attorney. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mayor Johnson - to direct the City Attorney to <br />review and comment on the proposed MUSA Business Park/Office Park <br />Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />The Planning Commission asked that the council authorize the City <br />Engineer to draft a "Fill Ordinance" and "Holding Pond Standards <br />Ordinance" <br />The City Administrator indicated she would submit background <br />information as to why this was an agenda item before the City <br />Engineer can draft ordinances. <br />G. Trail System: Mike Bouthilet, Parks & Rec. Supervisor <br />Mike Bouthilet reported the Parks Commission would like to access <br />Munger Trail, which is located up in the northwest corner of the <br />City, through the DeMontreville Park wildlife area. Mike has met <br />with the DNR and they are interested in making the access. <br />The Council asked to postpone this item until they received some <br />information regarding motorized vehicles using the Munger Trail, <br />M/S/P Mayor Johnson/Mottaz - to postpone this item until the <br />Parks Commission receives a DNR update. (Motion carried 4-0), <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Septic Systems in Old Village <br />Jim McNamara provided a list of inadequate septic systems in the <br />downtown area of Lake Elmo and noted these property owners lack <br />suitable land to accommodate a properly designed septic system. <br />