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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 <br />The following Lake Elmo Heights residents, Paul Bernardy, Denny <br />Seigler, Larry Mann, Peter Buckles, Jean Sluss, advised the <br />Council they purchased their property with the understanding that <br />Out Lot A would continue to be used for Agricultural and/or Open <br />Space purposes consistent with the City's cluster development <br />regulations. Paul Bernardy indicated they were not in favor of <br />this annexation and asked what they as residents could do. <br />Councilman Williams suggested that these residents go back thru <br />their records from Mr. Bishop or any of his representatives <br />describing what the situation was supposed to be and supply those <br />documents to our City staff. Williams explained there are two <br />bills that relate to annexation procedures which will be <br />introduced in the state legislature this year, Senate File 1013 <br />and companion bill House File 1496. He asked the residents to <br />write or call their legislators and inform them what a travesty <br />the existing regulations are causing on development policies of <br />our city. The City will have copies of these bills. <br />C. Petition for Speed Study on CSAH 35 <br />The City received a letter from the Tri-Lakes Association <br />requesting we take whatever action is necessary to lower the <br />speed limit on CSAH 35. <br />The Council asked the Administrator to write a letter to the Tri- <br />Lakes Association indicating the entire city is being surveyed <br />and the County has already asked MnDOT, by resolution, to do a <br />speed study independent of the other. <br />D. No agenda Item <br />E. Park Plan - Set date & time for public hearing <br />The Council received a copy of the Lake Elmo Park Plan for their <br />review and comments. The Parks Commission voted (7-0) to accept <br />this Plan at their meeting on October 21, 1991. Mike Black <br />indicated in his memo, dated October 31, 1991, that as an <br />amendment to the City's Comp Plan, this Plan should be referred <br />to the Planing Commission for a public hearing. It would then <br />come back to City Council for consideration before submission to <br />the Metropolitan Council and then back to the City Council for <br />final approval. <br />The Council postponed action on the proposed park plan until the <br />November 19th Council meeting. <br />