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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 13 <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to postpone consideration of this motion <br />until we have received from the Finance Director total budget <br />figures for 1991 and 1992. (Motion carried 3-2: Mayor Johnson: I <br />believe the Finance Director has already gone thru the entire <br />budget before this recommendation was made, Mottaz.) <br />B. Conference and/or Seminar for Elected Officials <br />If any members are interested in attending either of these three <br />conferences, they are to get back to the City Administrator so <br />that reservations can sent to the League. <br />C. Town Meeting - February 12, 1992 <br />At the last town meeting, residents questioned the financial <br />impact of development on a city. Therefore, Kathy Aho, of <br />Springstead Company, the city's financial consultant, has been <br />invited to attend the Town Meeting at Tartan Park on February <br />12th at 7:30 p.m. <br />D. Request for Funds for ISD 832 <br />ISD 832 has requested a contribution from the City for its <br />comprehensive arts planning program (CAPP). <br />The Council noted they were interested in mailing a contribution, <br />but didn't have and money put aside in the budget. The Council <br />will consider this request at next budget time. <br />E. Community Day Celebration <br />The City received a memo from Watson Centers, Inc. regarding <br />Community Days at the St. Croix Mall which is scheduled for <br />Saturday and Sunday, March 7th and 8th. The goal of this event is <br />to provide community -wide exposure to groups dedicated to serving <br />the community and its members. <br />Mayor Johnson, Councilmen Mottaz and Hunt indicated they would be <br />interested to spending couple of hours to inform citizens on such <br />items as recycling program, office hours and other services <br />offered by the City. The Solid Waste Committee will be invited to <br />get involved. <br />F. Maintenance Advisory Update <br />The City Council received the minutes from the Maintenance <br />Advisory Committee since its first meeting in June, 1991. <br />Mayor Johnson voiced concern on the on -going audit of all city <br />purchases requiring the staff to spend time copying requisitions, <br />invoices, receipts for every purchase and asked what the <br />committee's purpose was for this request. <br />Councilman Johnson responded he supports this committee and felt <br />they have raised valid questions that this Council should <br />