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01-21-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 12 <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the staff to send a <br />letter to Washington County with a copy to city of Oakdale <br />indicating upon further consideration of the issue of 10th Street <br />from Helmo to County Road 13 significant questions remain which <br />need to be answered including, but not limited to, a proper <br />traffic study, comparisons with similar roads in the area and <br />alternative routes for handling the traffic including, but not <br />limited to putting 4th Street through to County Road 13 and <br />whether or not the upgrade to 4-lanes is justified. (Motion <br />carried.3-2: Mayor Johnson: I agree there are some concerns, but <br />feels comfortable that we answered most of the questions at the <br />last meeting and should let the process run.; <br />Mottaz: I think in part this motion is justified as far as <br />requesting new traffic counts, but would go along with postponing <br />voting on this motion until January 28th.) <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Cost of Living Increase for Staff (Continuation) <br />At the last meeting, the Council directed the staff to look at <br />the budget to see if we could find the funds (excluding reserves) <br />that would enable the staff a pay increase. <br />The following was proposed: The payroll budget for 1991 was <br />$330,410 and the actual expenditure was $310,925, a savings of <br />$19,485. Part of this can be attributed to not hiring a fourth <br />maintenance employee until November, rather than the first of the <br />year which was originally proposed. Four of the nine employees <br />the City has are salaried which means that no matter how many <br />hours they work, (with the exception of the Maintenance Foreman <br />for snowplowing and emergency call outs), they receive the same <br />pay. Some of the employees that have earned overtime have chosen <br />comp time versus pay. This is a benefit to the city as we match <br />social security, PERA, and Medicare on all wages paid. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to grant a a 3% cost of living pay <br />raise to all the city employees retroactive to January 1, 1992 <br />and this money be taken out of the payroll budget. <br />Councilman Williams indicated he was interested in giving the <br />City staff a raise if we could find the money. This would require <br />more information such as updated figures from the budget for 1991 <br />and 1992 before the Council votes on this motion. There is no <br />such thing as a payroll budget, it's part of the General Fund. <br />We are missing $17,000 this year from the state cutbacks, vastly <br />overspent in 1991 for attorney and planner costs, and this money <br />has to come from somewhere. <br />
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