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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 3 <br />Tom Prew reported there will be 83 users on this system with an <br />estimated 8.3 million gallons per year being billed. We will be <br />buying the water from Oakdale who charges us $0.79 per 1,000 for <br />the water. Lake Elmo will flush and repair the system at an <br />estimate of $1,500 per year. Replacement cost for this watermain <br />system over a 100 year life would necessitate a charge of $1.35 <br />per 1000 gallons. <br />Through negotiations with Washington County when the system <br />was being proposed, $25,000 was negotiated to offset the cost to <br />the residents of the city water versus their well water. We can <br />collect interest on the $25,000 and use that to offset the water <br />rates and propose to charge $1.15 per 1000 gallons, plus the $5 <br />per quarter service charge. The average annual cost for a Lake <br />Jane area water system user would be $120 per year. <br />Dick Quinn, 8929 36th St., explained Oakdale is charging $0.79 to <br />their own residents and we (Lake Elmo) are not getting any break <br />at all. What about Oakdale billing us directly as they do their <br />own customers saving $0.36 per 1,000. Then the $0.36 for our <br />city's administrative costs could be eliminated. <br />Tim Zilles, 8890 36th St., read an article in the St. Paul paper <br />about the EPA is negotiating with the two counties over landfill <br />on -going charges of appox $2.4 million. Could this water charge <br />be construed as on -going? <br />Councilman Hunt explained the counties were not required to put <br />in the water system. To meet the requirements set out by the <br />Minnesota EPA and PCA all they would have to do is install carbon <br />filters in about 4 or 5 homes. The Counties elected to put the <br />water system in the entire area (both developed and undeveloped) <br />at an expense far greater than what they would have had to bear. <br />The City entered into this agreement that would allow the water <br />system to go in very quickly. According to the MPCA there is no <br />longer a problem for the homeowners because now they have safe <br />water. <br />Councilman Johnson noted the article discussed a responsible <br />party search and it would behoove the City to follow up on this. <br />This may be a possible way to get the landfill cleaned up. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. <br />Councilman Williams suggested a watermain replacement fee rather <br />than incorporate this water main replacement fee into $1.15 per <br />1,000 gallon fee as we did in the old Village because he liked <br />the idea of a dedicated fund for water main replacement. <br />The City Administrator has not heard from Oakdale regarding her <br />inquiry about the $162 bill the City received for Oakdale's water <br />rates of $2.00 per unit per month and $0.79 per 1,000 gallons. <br />