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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 4 <br />The Council agreed to $1.00 per thousand gallons of water used, <br />with a minimum usage charge of $7.50 per quarter, plus a $5,00 <br />service charge per quarter for each user, plus a $5.00 water main <br />replacement fee per quarter for each user. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 92-2, as <br />amended, A Resolution establishing water service rates for the <br />"Lake Jane" Water System. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Linder's Greenhouse: Amendment to CUP <br />Charles Hoffman indicated Pete, Dave, and Lill Linder who were in <br />attendance, had asked him to be the principal spokesman for the <br />Linders. The information that the Linders were requested to <br />produce at the last PZ meeting was provided in a series of <br />letters from Linders and the engineers that produced the EAW. <br />Mike Black gave a summary and status report of the 13 conditions <br />placed on the CUP amendment and asked for Council discussion and <br />then direction to draft an appropriate Resolution. <br />The applicants have agreed to Condition #1. Proper Maintenance of <br />the Storm Pond and Outlet Structure, Condition #2. Obtain a Water <br />Appropriation Permit from the MN DNR, and Condition #3. Phase II <br />Condition 4. No chemicals shall be stored on the site: <br />The Council indicated their desire for a list of chemicals <br />being stored, quantity, and how they would be stored so that the <br />Building Official can check the list for conformance with the <br />CUP. The locker should be sized for ultimate Phase II expansion <br />based on locker figures provided in Dave Linder's letter of <br />January 14, 1992. <br />Hoffman: We could update the Council on an annual basis and <br />will estimate the size of the lockers optimistically. <br />Condition 5. No petroleum products shall be stored on the site: <br />The Council suggested the Planner sit down with the Fire Chief <br />and Building Official and come up with reasonable wording setting <br />the type of products and limits being stored that would insure <br />the type of operation the Linder's want, but leave the City <br />enough control to make sure amount of storage doesn't get out of <br />control. <br />