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01-21-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MINUTES <br />JANUARY <br />21, 1992 8 <br />We have not heard anything from the management of the park <br />indicating this was a concern. The suggestions that are being <br />made are economically crippling from the Linder's point of view, <br />given the additional impact available. Linders have made a good <br />faith effort to deal with this issue and attempting to revisit it <br />at this point simply becomes and arbitrary and capricious attempt <br />to prevent us from doing something this Council knew about when <br />it first began. <br />The Linders will come back with a proposal that will be <br />economically feasible to them and also provide the type of <br />enhancement of screening that the Council is looking for. <br />Condition 12. No artificial liahtina shall be used without first <br />obtaining an amendment to the CUP. <br />Existing CUP addresses this. <br />Condition 13, Phase III construction shall reauire a CUP <br />Amendment. <br />Phase III will require another CUP amendment. <br />Councilman Williams noted the existing 3-row tree barrier has <br />some holes in it and requests they get plugged up this year. He <br />pointed out in our code under the commercial zoning district, <br />impervious coverage for lot size larger than 8 acres is a maximum <br />coverage of 25% of the lot size. If you have 54 acres total, 25% <br />of that is 16 acres which you are running close to at full scale. <br />His concern was that this 25% is not exceeded by roads and <br />greenhouses. <br />Mayor Johnson indicated he looks at CUPS in our code as granting <br />a special privilege not generally available in the regular zoning <br />category. There are other reasonable uses for that property. <br />Mike Black noted he would do his best to do his report and a <br />resolution for the February 4th meeting, but would have to meet <br />with the applicant this week, the Fire Chief and Sheriff to <br />proceed. <br />B. MUSA Update: Request for extension <br />The City received a letter from Richard Thompson, Metropolitan <br />Council, regarding the city's request for a MUSA extension. The <br />Met Council would like additional time (approx.. 75 days) until <br />March 31, 1992 to review those items noted in his letter. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - the City Council grants the Metropolitan <br />Council additional time until March 31, 1992 to complete the <br />review of our Comprehensive Plan amendment. (Motion carried 5- <br />0) . <br />
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