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01-21-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 9 <br />Mayor Johnson reported Donald Blohm, Metropolitan Waste Control <br />Commission, had written a letter to the Met Council on December <br />16, 1991 which was prior to the meeting between the Met Council, <br />Cities of Oakdale, Woodbury and Lake Elmo which formed the basis <br />for that discussion. Mayor Johnson explained he wrote a letter <br />to Mr. Blohm stating that he felt his letter was incorrect and <br />led the Met Council away from the issue. There are approx. 475 <br />acres of municipal urban service area within Section 32 and west <br />half of Section 33. Of the 475 acres approx. 355 acres are in <br />the City of Oakdale and 120 acres are in Lake Elmo. The purpose <br />of this letter was to let MWCC and the Met Council know that our <br />position is we are not asking for a new sewer capacity, we have <br />capacity and we want to move some of that capacity to a 440 acre <br />strip along our I-94 frontage. He has asked that the MWCC review <br />the data he has suggested and get back to him with their <br />comments. <br />Councilman Johnson noted he didn't disagree with his comments and <br />holds the same position. However, the City Council should have <br />granted approval of a letter prior to the Mayor writing a letter <br />to a governmental agency stating an opinion that you hold on City <br />of Lake Elmo stationery and implying it is the official city's <br />position. <br />In the future Mayor Johnson stated he would poll the Council or <br />have the Administrator poll the Council to see if they are in <br />agreement with what is stated in the Mayor's letter. <br />At the last meeting with Oakdale, the City Councils decided that <br />at the next joint meeting the first agenda item would be Section <br />32 & and 33 Annexation area. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mottaz - to direct the City Administrator to send a <br />letter to the Oakdale's City Administrator and Council expressing <br />the merits of working together and promoting some development <br />along I-94 to County Road 19 and co-operating on our MUSA <br />extension. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT; <br />A. Old Village Septic Problems <br />Tom Prew reported the City had received requests from some of the <br />businesses in the Old Village Area to allow them to connect to <br />the existing Old Village Drainfield. They made the requests <br />because they have insufficient area on their property to install <br />a legal drainfield. <br />
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