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MINUTES APPROVED: 1-21-92 <br />MINUTES ISSUED: 1-31-92 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the council meeting to order at 9:00 <br />a.m, at the Hammes property. Present: Mayor Johnson, Hunt, <br />Dick Johnson, Mottaz, and Williams. <br />1. Hammes Property Walk-thru <br />The Council observed some clean up progress had been made, <br />but they (Hammes) have not met the original clean-up <br />schedule. The Council decided to take firm action and ask <br />the City Attorney to address a list of options at the <br />January 7th meeting. <br />Council suggested the following options: <br />1. Limit CUP approval to action on CUP approval as to <br />time. <br />2. Impose a tax as reserve for cleanup <br />3. Fines <br />4. Court order <br />5. Other option: <br />Further attachment of 40 acre parcel north of Hwy 10 <br />taken in lieu of a Bond. <br />2. Annexed Property of Section 32 and 33 <br />Councilman Mottaz indicated the decision made by the <br />Municipal Board has created islands that Oakdale now wants <br />to incorporate into their City. The law states that -all <br />residents must sign the petition and land must be <br />contiguous. The roads are still in Lake Elmo and four of <br />our Lake Elmo residents, who did not sign the petition, are <br />islands within the City of Oakdale. <br />The Council was in agreement that our City Attorney be <br />notified before the January 7th meeting, that the Council <br />feels the Municipal Board has erred in their annexation <br />decision and ask him (Fills) what the possibility would be <br />for reconsideration; such as, some property and sewer <br />capacity stay in Lake Elmo, or for the City of Lake Elmo go <br />to court. <br />