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n. <br />3. OLD BUSINESS: <br />HRA MEETING <br />Councilman Mottaz stated that at no time did he nor Dave <br />Johnson go to the HRA representing the Lake Elmo City <br />Council, but clearly as citizens of Lake Elmo inquiring <br />about senior citizen housing in Lake Elmo. If HRA receives <br />enough interest from the citizens, then they will put <br />together a proposal and come before the Council for <br />discussion. The Lake Elmo Jaycees have indicated a desire <br />to purchase such property which would then be given to the <br />HRA. <br />Rezone the city according to the FLUMap <br />Councilman Williams: In talking about the MUSA line, my <br />intent in proposing rezoning the city to the FLUMap was to <br />insure that the MUSA Line stayed where it was designated. <br />In the area South of Hwy 5 and only the areas south of 10th <br />Street and Durand's property are not already consistent with <br />our FLUMap. If we consider just the area south of 10th <br />Street and specifically this RAD stretch for residential <br />estates, it would satisfy his concern about limiting the <br />sewered area of the MUSA. We could consider the rest at a <br />later date and pursue the cluster debate for the rest of the <br />City. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to instruct the PZ to have discussion <br />and hearings on clustering and rezoning all the property <br />south of 10th Street in compliance with the FLUMap with the <br />exception of the proposed MUSA boundary. (Motion carried 5- <br />0). <br />