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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1992 8 <br />The City Attorney pointed out that there is a restriction on <br />OutLot A which prohibits any structures. Also, OutLot A and <br />Lot 1, Block 1, are two distinct legal tax parcels. This is <br />not a lot that extends from a home uninterrupted to the <br />waters edge. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to deny the shoreland permit <br />with variances requested by Lou Skarda, 7980 DeMontreville <br />Trail N., for the purpose of constructing a 16' x 8' storage <br />shed based on the following findings: the proposal would <br />substantially change the character of the area, many other <br />properties exist in the city with similar conditions, <br />granting this permit with variances would set an unacceptable <br />precedent for the City, the conditions of the property were <br />well known to the applicant when he purchased the property <br />and for the (4) reasons stated in Mike Black's memo dated <br />December 23, 1991. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. New Life Homes <br />John Briscoe, representing New Life Homes, presented in <br />concept, a request for a private nursing home in a Rural <br />Residential zoning district. This home would provide non - <br />institutional long term care for older adults (18 to 24 <br />maximum) in the early to middle stages of Alzheimer's and <br />demential related issues and disorders by adapting and <br />structuring the care delivery, staffing arrangements and <br />physical environment to fit and support the unique need of <br />individual residents. <br />The parcel of land (22 acres) that New Life Home is looking <br />at is located at DeMontreville Trail and Highway 36. The <br />primary reason for this site is: visibility of traffic on <br />Highway 36, isolated where walking trails can be developed, <br />because of the terrain they can plan an attractive structure <br />into the site and are able to shield it from the other <br />residences in the immediate area. <br />When asked what their future plans would be, Mr. Briscoe <br />indicated his preference would be for the remaining 10 acres <br />to remain a single family lot. By becoming larger than 24 <br />units, this tends to lose what they are attempting to do. <br />The Council indicated this was the best proposal for this <br />land that has come before the City, but this use was not <br />allowed in the RR zoning district. <br />Discussion followed: <br />Councilman Mottaz indicated he could not vote for a CUP <br />because he felt CUPs are a means for spot zoning because once <br />something is established by a CUP it is almost impossible to <br />remove them. <br />