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01-07-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-07-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1992 9 <br />Councilman Hunt noted his concern on restricting the use <br />because if this home doesn't make it, there may be a proposal <br />for some other usage that may be allowed in a group home <br />structure. <br />Councilman Williams explained this development would be <br />allowed in General Business, but Mr. Briscoe indicated they <br />preferred a residential area. <br />Councilman Johnson noted the City does not have a zoning, <br />such as a good PF Zoning, that takes into account quasi <br />public/private facilities which could accommodate this use. <br />Mayor Johnson stated the City would have to find a <br />mechanism to allow this development which may be establishing <br />a separate zoning category such as a Highway 36 overlay <br />District upon which the PZ could hold a public hearing. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to add to the Planning Commission's <br />work plan dealing with an overlay district to accommodate a <br />quasi public/private facility within the City. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Williams felt the PZ should devise a way to <br />accommodate a facility such as this along a major <br />thoroughfare like Highway 36, but not allow it in the middle <br />of the city where there are no other major highways and just <br />single family homes and farms around it. <br />Mayor Johnson stated when the PZ deals with this agenda item, <br />he wishes the PZ invite the Council to discuss policy. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Partial Payment No. 5, Change Order No. 2 <br />Tom Prew reported that Kenko has been working on connecting <br />the remaining homes to the water system, and it has been <br />difficult for the plumber to get into the homes to complete <br />this work. The only work remaining as of this estimate will <br />be connection of six more homes and final restoration. <br />Councilman Johnson had been informed that due to the frozen <br />ground the contractor has to disturb the yard with a very <br />large ditch in order to run the line, but if they wait until <br />Spring there would be very little disturbance. Prow indicated <br />there wouldn't be a problem to wait until Spring. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve Partial Payment No. 5 to <br />Kenko, Inc. in the amount of $29,434.00 to be paid upon <br />receipt of funds from Washington County. (Motion carried 5- <br />0) . <br />
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