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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />MARCH 16, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. in <br />the City Council chambers. Present: Mayor Johnson, Dick <br />Johnson, Williams, City Planner Mike Black and Administrator <br />Kueffner. Absent: Councilmen Mottaz and Hunt. <br />FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE: <br />Page 2: C. Interpretation: <br />Item 1. Add: City of Lake Elmo in place of Governing <br />Body. <br />Page 3: Flood - Clarification requested on the distinction <br />between basement and walkout. Definition needed on Finished <br />Fill. <br />Page 4: Variance - delete "practical difficulty or unique <br />circumstance". <br />Section 303.040 ESTABLISHMENT OF FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT <br />1. Add: ...and the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map <br />and Flood Insurance Rate map, "both dated July 2, 1979 as <br />the Official Maps." <br />Page 5: 3. Compliance: Item 2. Add the words after elevated <br />"or floodproofed" <br />Page 6: B. Standards for <br />Molly Shodeen will check <br />1. The use shall <br />susceptibility. <br />Floodplain Permitted Uses: <br />on Item B(1). <br />have a low flood damage <br />4. Add: New or replacement of on -site sewage <br />treatment systems must be designed according with the City's <br />and State's current standards whichever is more restrictive <br />for on -site sewer treatment systems. <br />C. Conditional uses: <br />Molly Shodeen voiced her concern about the "taking <br />issues" in regard to deleting "streets" under conditional <br />uses. <br />Item 3. Add: The finished fill elevation for <br />structures shall be no lower than the Regulatory Flood <br />Protection Elevation. <br />Page 7: Item 5, Molly Shodeen stated conveyance is more of <br />an issue than storage. Example: filling a little dip in the <br />backyard. The City does not allow fill in the floodplain or <br />the floodway. <br />