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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 3 <br />( I further move that the Lake Elmo City Administrator be <br />directed to meet with the staff of Oakdale and Woodbury to <br />determine if there is any basis for agreement between Lake <br />Elmo and either of those two Cities so that Lake Elmo may <br />receive capacity in the WONE interceptor. The results of <br />such meetings shall be reported to the Lake Elmo City <br />Council as soon as practical. (Motion carried 3-1: Mayor <br />Johnson was opposed to the second paragraph of the motion.) <br />The City Administrator polled each Council member regarding <br />asking the Met Council for an extension to our Comp Plan <br />Amendment (MUSA extension) so that the item would be removed <br />from the Met Council's Community Development Committee's <br />Monday, March 16th agenda. This was done so that the <br />Council would have ample time to read and analyze the Met <br />Council's staff report dated March 3, 1992 relative to this <br />request. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to direct the City Administrator to <br />ask the Metropolitan Council to extend its review of the <br />Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan Amendment (MUSA extension) <br />until April 30, 1992 so that the city council and city staff <br />can analyze and respond to the Metropolitan Council's memo <br />dated March 4, 1992. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Trans -City Investment - Request for on -site watchman <br />i <br />Kurt Lange, Administrator for Trans -City Investment, <br />informed the Council that in the past eight months Trans - <br />City has experienced much vandalism and destruction during <br />the night time hours. Lange feared for the safety of his <br />family and the tenants renting warehouse space and voiced <br />his concern on the protection he has received from the <br />Washington County Sheriff's Dept. Lange pointed out <br />disparities in the Washington County Sheriff's complaint <br />reports which were submitted to the Council. <br />Trans -City is requesting the city to allow them to have a <br />night watchman live on the premises in an efficient type <br />apartment which has been part of the structure for years. <br />Mr. Lange had informed Jim McNamara, the City's Code <br />Enforcement Officer, that a person employed as a night <br />watchman has been living on the property since the first of <br />February. Mr. Lange lives with his family in a nearby house <br />which is on the same parcel of land. Only one residence is <br />allowed on the property which would make Trans -City <br />Investment in violation of their C.U.P.. <br />The Council assured Mr. Lange that they would take whatever <br />steps are necessary to correct this problem in a most <br />expeditious fashion. one council member indicated he was not <br />( willing to have anyone live there, but felt a better option <br />would be to hire a guard. <br />