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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 4 <br />The City Attorney could not determine at this time if Mr. <br />Lange's request could be accommodated by a variance request <br />or an amendment to the CUP. The City Attorney would <br />research what is required and come back to the Council with <br />options for correcting this problem and determine if <br />permitting someone to live on this property is a violation <br />of the C.U.P.. <br />M/S/P Mayor Johnson/Mottaz - to send a letter to Trans -City <br />Investment stating at this time the Council is interpreting <br />a violation to the CUP exists and be given a 60-day notice <br />with pending resolution being investigated by the city <br />attorney's earliest possible convenience. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />C. Conditional Use Permits <br />Councilman Mottaz requested council consideration on a <br />proposed motion amending section of our existing code in <br />that it would require a 4/5 majority vote to approve or <br />amend a conditional use permit. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to direct the staff to prepare <br />an ordinance amending section 301.060D. which will include <br />the requirement that a 4/5 majority vote is needed for all <br />new or amended conditional use permits, and that the <br />Planning Commission call a public hearing to consider said <br />ordinance at their April 13th or 27th meeting. The staff is <br />further directed to notify all existing conditional use <br />permit holders of this proposed ordinance. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />D. Conditional Use Permit to allow recycling in <br />Agricultural Zoning District <br />At the last council meeting, Mayor Johnson proposed looking <br />into allowing limited recycling in the Ag zoning district <br />and stated he would have a draft proposal at this meeting <br />for council consideration. <br />Mayor Johnson proposed this consideration be reviewed by the <br />PZ because he felt that in granting a special use permit <br />outside of our zoning ordinances the city should gain some <br />benefit. The property owner that is requesting a CUP must <br />be able to demonstrate such property can be economically <br />reconverted to the underlying use. <br />