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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 6 <br />If the current comp plan does not recognize cluster <br />( development as a form of development for the City and we <br />have current zoning regulations that have cluster <br />development standards, then the City may have to eliminate <br />the standards. The City should end up with a comp plan and <br />zoning ordinances that are consistent. <br />At their March 9th meeting, the PZ asked the City Council to <br />provide them with (5) items of clarification in order to <br />proceed with Council's directive of discussing cluster <br />development. <br />The Council decided that each individual council member will <br />appear at the next meeting to comment on the five (5) items <br />or submit written comments to the PZ by that meeting. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to come to the next meeting prepared to <br />give specific direction on cluster development by answering <br />the 5 items of clarification of the PZ. (Motion carried 4- <br />0). <br />Planning Commission member, Rita Conlin, pointed out that <br />at the March 9th meeting, in the opinion of the PZ several <br />directives from the Council have not been clear. Therefore, <br />the PZ requested the Council institute a policy to provide <br />the following to the planning commission when directing them <br />to initiate or amend ordinances and zoning: <br />1. Give rationale for the purpose of providing insight <br />into the direction. <br />2. Define the scope of the work that is to be provided <br />by the PZ. <br />3. Give a projected timeline. <br />4. All this shall be given to the Planning Commission <br />by a clearly defined written motion in the City <br />Council minutes. <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: No Report <br />7. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan - Discussed under Item 5E. <br />