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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 5 <br />M/S/P Mayor Johnson/Mottaz - to direct the Solid Waste <br />( Advisory Committee and then the Planning Commission to <br />investigate the possibility of allowing a transfer station <br />as a conditional use in the city and if such use should be <br />allowed, determine in what zones and subject to what <br />conditions and; furthermore, check definitions of current <br />uses in the code because this type of operation may already <br />be included under a definition that is in the code. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />The entire Council agreed on not being in favor of adding <br />any uses or any modifications to a CUP that was in violation <br />and there would only be consideration when the CUP was <br />brought into compliance. <br />E. Cluster Development Questions/Comprehensive Plan <br />The City received a letter from Richard Thompson, Met <br />Council, indicating from the Met Council's viewpoint the <br />plan of record for Lake Elmo is the 1990 plan. Any previous <br />plan or amendment would have been rescinded with adoption of <br />that plan by the City. <br />Mayor Johnson and Councilman Mottaz suggested the city <br />request a third opinion from an Administrative Law Judge. <br />Mayor Johnson noted the PZ is stating that clustering is not <br />provided in the 1990 Comp Plan. Mayor Johnson and <br />Councilman Mottaz consider the 1990 Comprehensive Plan an <br />amendment and clustering was provided for in the 1983 comp <br />plan as amended. They agreed to vote for Resolution No. 91- <br />41 only if the word "supersede" was eliminated and the <br />purpose of this resolution was to amend the 1983 comp plan. <br />Attorney Filla: This issue should be resolved before the <br />next development application is submitted and this issue can <br />be raised. If two members of the council think that the <br />city's development regulations of the comp plan ought to <br />have some standards on cluster development, then ask the PZ <br />to take a look at the cluster regulations in the 1979 plan <br />and see if it is possible to incorporate those in the <br />current plan. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mayor Johnson - to direct the staff to prepare an <br />estimate of cost for having this dispute presented to an <br />Administrative Law Judge, and this information will be <br />presented at the next council meeting. (Motion carried 4- <br />0). <br />If there is a concern on the council that the current plan <br />does or should include some policies on cluster development, <br />Filla suggested requesting the PZ to take a look at those <br />similar provisions in the 1979 plan and see what would be <br />necessary to incorporate those concepts in the current <br />version. <br />