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f Since we do not have time to discuss every point presented, it may <br />✓eem that decisions are preconceived. However, background information is <br />provided for the City Council on each agenda item in advance from City <br />Staff and appointed Commissions; and decisions are based on this <br />information and past experiences. In addition, some items may also have <br />been discussed at previous Council meetings. <br />If you are aware of information that hasn't been discussed, please <br />fill out a "Request to Appear Before the City Council" slip; or, if you <br />came late, raise your hand to be recognized. Comments that are pertinent <br />are appreciated. Items requiring excessive time may be continued to <br />another meeting. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />AGENDA <br />SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1992 <br />9:00 a.m. Meeting Convenes at the <br />Hammes Mining Property <br />A. Hammes Property <br />Walk-Thru <br />10:00 a.m. Meeting Reconvenes at <br />City Hall <br />B. David Johnson/Jess Mottaz <br />letter to the Metropolitan <br />Council <br />C . Adj ourn <br />