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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1992 <br />1. Hammes Walk -Through <br />The City Council and Building Official met at the Hammes <br />Property at 9:00 a.m. to walk-thru the property and <br />determine the compliance with the council directive that <br />they (Hammes) clean-up their property. <br />Councilman Hunt: I saw progress, but not the kind of <br />progress the council was looking for. At the current pace, <br />they will not finish by the end of the year. <br />Councilman Johnson: They have made some progress, but there <br />are hundreds of tires that need to be disposed of. They <br />stated they have cleaned steady the last two weeks with a <br />crew of four. I'm particularly dismayed with nothing done <br />with the movilas and semi -trucks loaded with stuff. It <br />indicates to me that shortly before the Council is to go out <br />for a walk-thru they do a little clean-up. At the present <br />rate, it's going to be a long process. I personally feel <br />its time to take action and put our city attorney to work <br />and get it done. <br />Mayor Johnson: I am happy to see some of the stuff is <br />cleaned up around the house. I agree the City has to do <br />something now. Jim, I think we should pick out area by <br />area, probably start with the movilas and get that cleaned <br />up by a certain time. I would like to suggest we have <br />someone determine which items have historic or mining value, <br />and the rest has to go. <br />Councilman Mottaz: I'm disappointed with the progress. I <br />see this as a staff problem and not a city council problem, <br />because the staff hasn't exhausted all the means available <br />to them. I think Jim could survey the property and isolate <br />certain areas, site the code violation, and set a deadline. <br />If they have not complied by the deadline set, then the <br />Attorney sends them an order. This should be done in some <br />kind of an organized fashion so the Hammes know what to <br />concentrate on. If we work with them and clean up certain <br />areas one at a time, I think we would see some progress. <br />Councilman Williams. The motion that was passed by the <br />Council was there was suppose to be significant progress <br />made by this date. I don't feel significant progress has <br />been made. The Attorney has laid out our options, and I <br />think we should proceed with those options. We tried this <br />step approach last year and it didn't get us anywhere. <br />