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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 1992 2 <br />Councilman Hunt: I would like to have our attorney come <br />back and tell us if Councilman Mottaz's idea is viable or if <br />we should proceed with the full scale. I am in favor of <br />turning it over to the staff. The Council has done a good <br />job of trying to be responsive. We want to see this cleaned <br />up by the end of the year or action has to be started. <br />Mayor Johnson: I like the idea of a citation by our <br />Building Inspector for a certain category of items, give a <br />date that it will be accomplished. If not accomplished, <br />then turn it over as a citation violation to the prosecuting <br />attorney. We can say here, without any reservation, we will <br />back Jim up on this. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mottaz - to direct Attorney Filla to prepare an <br />opinion using whatever sources he feels necessary to develop <br />that opinion as to whether or not the City can break this <br />clean-up project down into citeable stages, and issue <br />citations if those stages are not met or if the City should <br />continue with the entire -clean-up as a whole. This opinion <br />should be presented at the next regular council <br />meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />2. Mayor Johnson's and Councilman Mottaz's Letter to the <br />Met Council <br />Councilman Hunt: We have a petition before the Met Council <br />for an extension of the MUSA. Unfortunately your letter <br />tends to cast a doubt on the Met Council's review on that <br />extension. It says that "oh by the way, what you used to <br />review the extension against was not right. There's a whole <br />bunch of other stuff you had to look at." Anything that <br />comes out that causes the Met Council to geL<�pisse ,off at <br />us or to think that maybe we didn't consider everything is <br />only going to hurt this issue. This is my concern. I <br />wanted to hear the other council members opinions. I think <br />at this 11th hour we want to get this thing through. From <br />talking to Mary, her opinion is the Council really should <br />have had a unified front to take to the Met Council. This <br />was her reading and apparently Mike Black's reading. We do <br />not have that unified front and we're going to look petty <br />silly on Monday, I'm afraid. <br />Mayor Johnson: As far as the comp plan whether the stated <br />policy of the Met Council is correct you must by <br />specification add, change or delete items, I think that was <br />stated correctly in the letter. I don't think that goes for <br />the MUSA Extension issue. I don't think that should play <br />any part in it and don't think it would play any part in it. <br />Let me say, that I wasn't happy to have to see that letter <br />written. The way this thing came about is we had a call <br />from our City Administrator to Mr. Thompson and in essence a <br />request to send a letter to our City to her clarifying her <br />