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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21, 1992 3 <br />B. Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor <br />License for Guardian Angels Church <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to approve Resolution No. 92-7, A <br />Resolution approving the issuance of a Temporary On -Sale <br />Intoxicating Liquor License for Guardian Angels Church on <br />the following dates: April 24, 1992, May 23, 1992, June 13, <br />1992 and June 19, 1992. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Williams explained that the new Liquor License <br />Ordinance does not place any restriction on the number of <br />temporary licenses that can be granted to an applicant in <br />any one year. He requested that at the next Old Business <br />workshop the council discuss limiting the number of events <br />for a Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating License. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />Trans City Investment <br />Kurt Lange submitted a petition signed by tenants at the <br />Trans City Complex requesting that the City consider their <br />request that Trans City be allowed to keep a 24 hour guard <br />at 11490 Hudson Blvd. This request is made because of the <br />past vandalism and theft occurrences at these premises. <br />Washington County Deputy Pat Olson reviewed the (15) <br />Initial Complaint Reports from October 1990 to March 1992. <br />In the period of time of these 15 calls were registered from <br />the Trans City Complex, there were 3,434 calls in the City <br />of Lake Elmo. Reports are being filed and investigations are <br />being conducted on these 15 calls and extra patrol has been <br />given to that area. Olson pointed out the parking lot is <br />unsecured and there are bank teller and vending machines and <br />semi -trailers stored on the parking lot. Olson suggested Mr. <br />Lang contact Deputy Harjes, Sheriff's Dept., who would do a <br />risk assessment of this property. <br />The Council indicated they had no objection to Trans City <br />hiring a guard, but did object to someone living on the <br />premises. <br />If there are vending machines on the premises and goods <br />being stored in semi -trailers, Jim McNamara requested they <br />be removed because the only outdoor storage area is in the <br />fenced -in area behind the building. Kurt Lange responded he <br />has sent letters to Diversified Banking Systems regarding <br />this storage because it is in the fire lane and against <br />their insurance regulations. <br />