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05-18-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-18-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 18, 1992 2 <br />Lee Swenson, River Falls, WI, representing a group of <br />mountain bikers (approx. 200 signatures), stated that <br />Sunfish Park contains many of the finest off road trails in <br />the metro area and asked that this park remain open to <br />mountain bikes. They believe through an educational <br />process, be it the media, bike club contacts, and one -and - <br />one confrontation, any irresponsible riding or abuse to <br />trails from mountain bikers can effectively be curtailed or <br />even eliminated. Their main focus would be to encourage <br />bicyclists to yield to all other trail users and to stay off <br />trails when they are too wet or in need of repair. They <br />offered to help care for the trails through regular <br />maintenance activities including clearing of brush and <br />debris, rebuilding of trail surface and removal of any <br />safety hazards such as fallen trees or large displaced <br />brush. The major clean up times would happen in late fall <br />and early spring. <br />Walt Bailey, 8032 Hidden Bay Trail N., representing a group <br />of interested mountain bikers from Lake Elmo, requested the <br />Council approve a controlled continuance of mountain bike <br />riding in Sunfish Park. He requested tabling the Sunfish <br />park closure proposal for 1 month, form a study group (names <br />submitted) and have this group report to the Council within <br />one month with recommendation for appropriate management of <br />mountain bike riding in Sunfish park. <br />Parks Commission members Gary Lee and Kestutis Tautvydas <br />stated it was nice to hear there are people willing to help <br />out with trail maintenance, but felt trail maintenance was <br />not sufficient because once erosion has started, which it <br />has, is extremely difficult to control. Photographs were <br />submitted showing evidence of erosion of trails and of new <br />trails created by bikers in Sunfish Park. When the Parks <br />Commission was on their annual park walk-thru, they were <br />almost run down by three mountain bikers. The Parks <br />Commission has recommended adoption of such an ordinance <br />because of their concern for safety, City liability, and the <br />effect on the environment. <br />Judith Blackford and Janet Robert, Lake Elmo residents, <br />voiced their support of the Parks Commission's <br />recommendation to ban biking in Sunfish Park because of the <br />trail erosion, disturbance of the tranquility of the park, <br />and safety concern for other park users. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to adopt Ordinance 8065, An <br />Ordinance Adding Section 1005 Relating to the Regulation of <br />Bicycling to the Lake Elmo Municipal Code. (Motion carried <br />3-1: Mayor Johnson: In favor of passing the ordinance, but <br />not at this time. He would rather wait and give the Mountain <br />bikers an opportunity to prove their case). <br />
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