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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MAY 18, 1992 3 <br />Councilman Williams indicated he was willing to close the <br />park by policy at this time, but at the same time favored <br />establishing a study committee to work on suggesting ways <br />that might be found to allow the use of bicycles in the <br />future. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - the Council would be receptive <br />to a modification in this ordinance after appropriate study <br />by an interested park users group who would suggest <br />recommendations for alternatives to Ordinance 8065, and the <br />Council would not force Mike Bouthilet (as a city employee) <br />or Nancy Hansen, Randy Thoreson (as residents) to serve on <br />this group. (Motion carried 3-1: Mottaz: He voted no to the <br />forming of a committee, but was receptive to public input.) <br />The Council suggested this committee come before the Parks <br />Commission before they come to the Council. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Hammes Clean -Up Schedule <br />Jim McNamara reported the clean-up schedule, dated May 18, <br />1992, for the Hammes property was agreed upon by Bill and <br />Earl Hammes, Dorothy Lyons and himself. It was also agreed <br />upon that the west side of County Road 19 be cleaned by <br />January 1, 1993; the recycling operation be eliminated and <br />completely removed by June 4, 1992; and if any of the agreed <br />upon deadlines are not adhered to, civil action will be <br />initiated by the City of Lake Elmo. <br />B. Letter from NHD regarding size of Storm Shelters <br />in Cimarron Park <br />The Council received a letter from Dan Krawczyk, Property <br />Manager of Cimarron Park, questioning the Council at what <br />level of occupancy do they have to accommodate and to what <br />level will the city consider participating in the cost of <br />construction. <br />The Council asked the following questions: <br />1. What is the average occupancy per each home? <br />(Is there a state average?) <br />2. What percentage of the total population are we <br />going to accept to determine square footage of <br />building. (65% seems reasonable). <br />3. Whether one or two shelters should be built. <br />(are there guidelines regarding travel distance to <br />shelters.) <br />