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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 16, 1992 3 <br />Councilman Williams asked the Commissioner if she would <br />propose a policy at the County Board level to make sure that <br />any future matters such as this is referred to the city <br />before the signs go up next time. Hauser answered that this <br />would be the appropriate thing to do and she certainly <br />intends to do that. Williams also asked that the city be <br />copied on any future correspondence from the Public Works <br />Dept, related to this particular matter. <br />Mayor Johnson explained, typically, before they raise the <br />speed limit, the state will offer an opportunity to the <br />requesting party and remind them that their first action <br />might be enforcement of existing limits. If there is an <br />opportunity to put the old speed limit signs back up and get <br />extraordinary enforcement and see if we cannot get people to <br />abide these limits; thereby, not increase the limits. <br />Councilman Johnson asked if the City could be notified to <br />have a representative when they meet at the site as noted in <br />Mr. Theisen's letter. <br />Mayor Johnson: The question was asked if the County Attorney <br />could look into the existence of this state law (1973) and <br />what ramifications it has to this particular stretch of <br />road. This is our city and one of our streets even though it <br />is a county road and it is our residents that live along <br />there and the safety of our residents is what we are <br />concerned with. This entire process is very ill conceived. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to direct the city <br />administrator to write a letter to the Dept. of <br />Transportation reiterating points made this evening. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />Mary Hauser will inquire on the status of what the County <br />can or cannot do regarding enforcement of the regulations in <br />place on our lakes. <br />The City Administrator reported that new signs stating city <br />lake regulations will be received in three weeks and then <br />will be posted. <br />C. Petition for speed limit and no parking signs on <br />east side of Highlands Trail <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Johnson - to instruct the Maintenance Dept. to <br />post "no parking" signs on the south east side of Highlands <br />Trail N. approx 150' on either side of the playground. <br />