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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 2 <br />Is this true? If it is true, how come after 1 1/2 years the <br />rest of the Council continues to have these things happen? <br />Mayor Johnson explained he did have a conversation with Pete <br />Schiltgen to find out if he has been notified of the option <br />of installing a drainfield in his corn field. Schiltgen <br />said he read about it in the newspaper and had no idea of <br />it. Mayor Johnson told Mr. Schiltgen that the city engineer <br />had told him that he had conversations with his attorney and <br />we have done perk tests. "If Mr. Schiltgen has some idea <br />that I'm suggesting to him that his property is sacrosanct <br />and everything is going onto the White Hat property, he is <br />mistaken. Although I do feel there are alternatives to <br />Pete Schiltgen's;s property. I was also dishearten to find <br />out Pete Schiltgen, himself, had not been talked to about <br />this drainfield project and hope that has been corrected." <br />As to the first meeting of the HPC, he acted as liaison from <br />this group and that was because there was nobody from our <br />city staff present. He felt it would be necessary for some <br />representative from the City to be there and let them know <br />there are ways of functioning. As to Roberts Rules there <br />are rules of procedures they must follow. This is the first <br />committee in the City to not have a recording secretary. <br />Mayor Johnson invited anyone in the City who has an interest <br />in history, preservation of artifacts, buildings, <br />architecture to join this group. <br />Councilman Mottaz stated anyone could have attended the HPC <br />meeting and was thankful we had a council representative at <br />the meeting. <br />Councilman Johnson indicated the HPC was an open meeting and <br />any one of the council members could have attended. He was <br />appointed by the Council and serves as liaison to both the <br />MAC and Solid Waste Commission and reports back to the <br />Council. <br />Councilman Williams indicated he had no problem with the <br />Mayor or anyone attending the HPC meeting, but had a concern <br />about the Mayor representing himself as a liaison of the <br />Council when they had not acted officially upon this. The <br />MAC committee does not have a staff secretary and he (Todd) <br />does support the HPC not having a staff secretary if they <br />can get along without it. <br />