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06-02-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 3 <br />B. Cimarron residents requesting support for <br />County owned (H.R.A.) Park <br />Ray Press, Chairman of the Cimarron Manufactured Homes Parks <br />Purchasing Committee, requested the City's support in their <br />efforts to work with the Washington County HRA to convert <br />the park to a county ownership. There are 24 couples on <br />this committee to help enable them to make this happen and <br />have 300 signatures in support of this conversion. They <br />feel the advantage of this happening would give them more <br />security in the future in that the land would not be sold <br />for other uses. The rent would stabilize and could lessen <br />the depreciation of their homes having the security of <br />knowing that the park will stay a Manufactured Home Park. <br />It would give the residents a greater voice in the <br />management of the property and get more involved in the <br />community. It will also help them put the park back or <br />improve the park to a clean, neat community that they would <br />be proud of. <br />Dennis Balyeat, Exec. Director of HRA, explained that HRA <br />policy mandates it cannot pursue a property without being <br />invited in by the city government. A formal joint powers <br />agreement would be signed if the project goes through. The <br />project would give the community more control over the <br />property. There's not a general obligation risk to either <br />the city or the county. The invitation to the HRA is non- <br />binding, but a formal council resolution would be necessary <br />for HRA to carry out bonds. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - the City Council of Lake Elmo <br />officially invites the Washington County HRA to begin <br />negotiations with the owner of the Cimarron Manufactured <br />Home Park. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The City Attorney asked the HRA provide a sample resolution <br />and development agreement they would like the city to adopt. <br />Filla made HRA aware the City has a Park Conversion <br />Ordinance and how this will be impacted by this process. <br />Councilman Johnson asked that the staff keep records on all <br />costs the city incurs involved with this transaction because <br />Mr. Balyeat, Dir. of HRA, stated that these costs are <br />reimbursable to the city. <br />C. Gary Bance & residents regarding Derrick Lots <br />on DeMontreville & Highlands Trail <br />Gary Bance and other Lake Elmo residents voiced their <br />concern on the buildability of the Derrick lots because this <br />was a swamp and filled in and now drainage is going into a <br />neighbor's pond. <br />
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