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06-02-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 6 <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the City should also consider <br />what is going to happen in Rolling Hills. Are you going to <br />have certain street standards for Fox Fire Manor and a <br />different one for Rolling Hills because Rolling Hills has <br />not yet been approved. <br />Amendments to Resolution 92-10: <br />1. The developer and the City shall execute a developer's <br />agreement and developer shall deposit such security with the <br />city in the amount as determined by the City engineer, and <br />in a form as approved by the City Attorney. <br />3. The developer shall provide a current title binder for <br />4. The developer shall provide a legal description for... <br />Add as 5th Paragraph: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the <br />Final Plat shall not be executed by the city until the above <br />conditions have been satisfied. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to approve Resolution No. 92- <br />10, as amended, A Resolution granting Final Plat approval to <br />Fox Fire Manor subject to developer meeting all conditions <br />set forth in said resolution. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />C. Resolution No. 92-11 <br />Final Plat Approval: Stonegate <br />The Council made the following changes: <br />Add to developer's agreement on Page 5, 11. RESTRICTIVE <br />COVENANTS: ....Linder's Greenhouse, and an airstrip for <br />small aircraft... These uses may involve sites, sounds, and <br />smells which may be offensive to some persons. ........ <br />Change number of two to one building permit allowed. <br />Peterson indicated he didn't want any building permits <br />before the Plat is recorded. <br />Amendment to Resolution No. 92-11: <br />1. The developer and the city shall execute a developer's <br />agreement and developer shall deposit such security with the <br />city in amount as determined by the city engineer and in a <br />form as approved by the city attorney. <br />2. ..Any remaining park dedication will be a <br />combination of land (trails) and cash to meet code <br />requirements. <br />3. The developer shall provide a current title binder <br />for... <br />
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