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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 7 <br />4. The developer shall provide a legal description for... <br />mortgagee's interest; and legals and easements for <br />additional cul-de-sac areas. <br />Add 5th paragraph: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Final <br />Plat shall not be executed by the city until the above <br />conditions have been met. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to adopt Resolution 92-11, as amended, <br />granting final plat approval to Stonegate-Phase I, and <br />incorporating the amended development agreement subject to <br />developer meeting all conditions set forth in said <br />resolution. (Motion carried 3-2: Mottaz: His reasons for <br />voting "no" are printed in the April 21st minutes, Mayor <br />Johnson: His reasons would be a second to the same reasons <br />stated in the April 21st minutes) <br />Discussion on extent to which we <br />excavate and develop land before <br />been approved will scheduled as <br />Business for the next agenda. <br />D. Old Bank Building <br />allow developers to <br />Final Plat approval has <br />an agenda item under Old <br />Attorney Filla reviewed the correspondence of Mr. Gabriel <br />dated March 6, 1992 and has been contacted by Mr. Herreid <br />regarding the encroachment of the Old Lake Elmo Bank <br />Building on the right-of-way for 34th Street N. The <br />property owner has requested that the city take action to <br />allow the encroachment or to resolve a title problem which <br />is created by the encroachment. <br />Councilmen Mottaz and Hunt favored Action No. 2 stated in <br />the City Attorney's letter dated May 20, 1992, leasing a <br />portion of the right-of-way to the property owner for $1 <br />Year over an indefinite period of time. <br />City Attorney will convey what the city is inclined to do. <br />E. Speed Signs on County Road 13 (Olson Lake Trail) <br />On October 14, 1992 the Tri Lakes Improvement Assn. <br />requested that the speed limits be lowered to 35 miles per <br />hour on the entire road from 50th to Highway 5. Ken <br />Sovereign, Tri Lakes Improvement Assoc., indicated in his <br />letter dated May 24, 1992 that this request was ignored and <br />the speed limits were increased without notice to anyone. <br />The City received a letter from Roy H. Brogren, 4769 Olson <br />Lake Trail N., indicating his outrage at the new speed limit <br />increase from 35 to 40 mph and urged the city to review the <br />data on which this change was based. <br />