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06-09-92 Special CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-09-92 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING <br />JUNE 9, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the special meeting of June 9, 1992 to <br />order. This special meeting was called for the purpose of <br />reviewing our options at this point in time in regard to the <br />purchase of property for the community drainfield. <br />We do not have a quorum here. We have absent from this <br />meeting three council members. 1. Dick Johnson is out of <br />town and has a legitimate reason, 2. Lee Hunt and 3. Todd <br />Williams, the final two, called city hall this afternoon and <br />I was notified at 4:10 this afternoon that they had previous <br />commitments and they could not attend the meeting. <br />I do not know of the legitimacy of their commitments, but <br />for the record, I am going to read into the record the <br />responsibilities of the city for a meeting whether a regular <br />meeting or a special meeting and the actions that are <br />available to the council as currently constituted not a <br />quorum for the purpose of making it known that this public <br />meeting which was called must be held, if for no other <br />reason then to adjourn the meeting, since it is easier to <br />hold the meeting and let concern citizens know who have been <br />notified that the meeting is not to be held for lack of a <br />quorum than it is to simply provide no information at all. <br />This meeting was called by myself on June 4th at 9:30 a.m. <br />and notification was provided to the council that the <br />meeting would be held at 7:00 p.m. June 9th. <br />Notification from the absent council members were not <br />received until 4:10 this afternoon. I read from the MN <br />statutes 412.191, subdivision 2, meetings of the Council. <br />Special meetings of the council may be called by the Mayor <br />or by any two members of the Council by writing, filed with <br />the clerk, who shall then mail a notice to all of the <br />members of the time and place of the meeting at least one <br />day before the meeting. <br />Council may preserve order at its meetings, compel the <br />attendance of members and punish non-attendance, and shall <br />be the judge of the election qualifications of its members. <br />In addition, the Council shall have the power to regulate <br />its own procedures. <br />Now our city council is governed by Roberts Rules, that is <br />our code stipulation that will be governed by Roberts Rules. <br />I read from Roberts Rules, Chapter 11, No. 39 with regard to <br />a quorum. <br />
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