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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 9, 1992 2 <br />In addition from the statute with regard to a quorum. <br />The Statute 412.191, sub 1, states the majority of all the <br />members shall constitute a quorum although a smaller number <br />may adjourn from time -to -time. From Roberts Rules #39, a <br />board or committee of the whole or its variations, that is <br />quorum in boards and committees, a quorum will be <br />established by the by-laws. In all other committees and in <br />boards, the quorum is the majority of the members of the <br />board or committee unless a quorum is fixed differently. So <br />we know the majority of this council that is requires THREE <br />members to have a quorum. <br />Proceedings in the absence of a quorum. In the absence of a <br />quorum any business transaction except for the procedural <br />action noted in the next paragraph is null and void. But if <br />a quorum fails to appear at a regular or properly called <br />meeting, the inability to transact business does not detract <br />from the fact that the society rules requiring the meeting <br />to be held were complied with and the meeting was convened <br />even though it had to be adjourned immediately. The only <br />action that can be legally taken in absence of a quorum is <br />to fix the time to which to adjourn, adjourn, recess or take <br />measures to obtain a quorum. The first three of these <br />motions are governed by the standard descriptive <br />characteristics for them. <br />A motion that absent members be contacted during a recess <br />would represent a measure in the last category. Motions to <br />obtain a quorum are treated as privileged motions that take <br />precedence over a motion to recess. Such motions are out - <br />of -order, and another has the floor and so on. <br />The prohibition against transacting business in the absence <br />of a quorum cannot be waived even by unanimous consent and a <br />notice cannot be validly given. If there is important <br />business that should not be delayed, the meeting should fix <br />the timeframe, adjourn the meeting, and then adjourn. Where <br />an important opportunity would be lost unless acted upon <br />immediately the members present can at their own risk act on <br />the emergency with the hope that their action will be <br />ratified by a later meeting at which a quorum is present. <br />If a committee as a whole finds itself without a quorum you <br />can do nothing but rise and report to the assembly which can <br />then proceed as already described. <br />Manner of enforcement quorum requirements. Before the <br />presiding officer calls a meeting to order, itS his duty to <br />determine although he need not announce that a quorum is <br />present. If a quorum is not present, the chair waits until <br />there is one or until after a reasonable time there appears <br />to be no prospect of a quorum will assemble. If a quorum <br />cannot be obtained the chair calls a meeting to order <br />announces the absence of a quorum and entertains a motion to <br />adjourn or one of the other motions allowed as described <br />