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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 9, 1992 4 <br />I would prefer that we would recess and call the absent <br />members and determine if they have a legitimate reason for <br />not attending this meeting. <br />Mottaz: Does that require action on the part of the clerk? <br />Dave: The clerk is suppose to, but the clerk too is absent <br />and I should point out that contrary to my order, and I <br />should point out that the mayor is the only one that can on <br />his own authority call a special meeting and similarly is <br />the only one that can call off a special meeting that he has <br />once called. The clerk on her own authority, even though <br />instructed by myself that we hold this meeting and <br />regardless of a quorum and that it was necessary in fact to <br />hold the meeting. Nonetheless, without communicating with <br />me, posted a sign on the door, which sign states "for lack <br />of quorum, the special meeting was cancelled 6-9-92." <br />Mottaz: You stated, there, on her own authority. She has <br />no authority. <br />Dave: She has no authority at all with regard to meetings <br />of this city council. None. <br />Sue Dunn: She would let you know if the other members are <br />available or not. <br />Mottaz: I don't think we know whether we have a quorum <br />until the meeting is called. I mean I could call and say I <br />cannot make tonight's meeting at 4 o'clock and at 7 o'clock <br />find out that I can make tonight's meeting and be here. So <br />we don't know whether we have a quorum or not for sure until <br />the meeting is called. The Clerk has absolutely no <br />authority to call a meeting or to call a meeting off. She <br />acted completely out of her authority. <br />Dave: In addition, I will say that we have some very, very <br />important business to discuss. We have and this also for <br />the record, a communication with our city engineer at which <br />he stated and under repeated requests from the council to <br />rectify his statements that he had direct communication with <br />Mr. Pete Schiltgen as to his desire or willingness to sell <br />land to the city for the purpose of constructing a community <br />drainfield for sewering of the old village. Upon <br />communication with myself, I called Mr. Schiltgen and was <br />informed by a member of his family that I should contact his <br />attorney. I stated that I felt it was necessary to talk to <br />Mr. Schiltgen since our city engineer had already talked to <br />Mr. Schiltgen's attorney. <br />