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06-09-92 Special CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-09-92 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 9, 1992 5 <br />As it turns out, Mr. Schiltgen called me and I asked <br />him if he was a willing seller of property over there and he <br />told me that the only thing he knew about this community <br />drainfield is what he had read recently in the Stillwater <br />paper and has had no communication on this whatsoever and <br />was not in fact a willing seller. <br />I make that point to emphasize the fact that our engineer <br />has stated we would have a start date for construction of <br />this project of August, 1992. Following my communication <br />with Mr Schiltgen, I talked to our city attorney, Jerry <br />Filla. He stated that the law requires if we must go to <br />condemnation Mr. Schiltgen's property at least three months <br />before we can gain control of his property and it does not <br />take a genius to recognize that if we began our activity <br />immediately we would in any case be beyond the completion <br />date of this project before we gain control of Mr <br />Schiltgen's property. My feeling was that this council <br />would have to meet since we promised the residents of the <br />old village that before we came to any final decision we <br />would have one more public meeting which would require <br />notice at least two weeks and then make a decision. That's <br />four weeks. so add to today a date four weeks and we are <br />off into October before we can gain control of this property <br />if we must begin legal proceedings to gain that control. <br />Time is of the essence. We must have direct communication <br />from Mr. Schiltgen and we must have on paper a written <br />statement that he is either willing or unwilling <br />participant. If he is unwilling, then we are going to have <br />to assess our options. One of which is to begin proceedings <br />for condemnation which at this point seems beyond the realm <br />of possibilities; or, two, determine if we can purchase <br />property from a willing seller, the White Hat restaurant, <br />and at what price we can purchase that property. That is <br />begin negotiations, or, three, cancel this idea altogether <br />this year. <br />Sue Dunn; is the city engineer coming tonight and the White <br />Hat deal, what is that. <br />Dave: He was suppose to, somebody must have called him and <br />cancelled his attendance. <br />I make these points to indicate that there is another <br />terrible thing sitting out there that although not as <br />directly as Mr. Schiltgen my feeling is this may also be a <br />problem for us. We had been given assurances also by our <br />city engineer that we would be able to gain access to an <br />easement or purchase agreement or some arrangement to take <br />care of our surface water drainage in the old village. That <br />to be small excavation of Mr. Schiltgen's property to the <br />east directly adjacent to the old village in such a manner <br />that water could properly egress through his property. <br />
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