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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 9, 1992 7 <br />Mottaz: I don't think we can make a motion on this. I want <br />to request that the staff type out this entire tape and to <br />be made available to the other council members. I think we <br />should include the urgency of this. Other reasons that are <br />involved in this thing, but I think the urgency of this is <br />that our engineer who was suppose to be here and was told <br />not to come and our attorney who was suppose to be here and <br />was told not to come, should be informed by the council what <br />the council wants in terms of answers to some very key <br />important questions at the next meeting so we don't have to <br />wait until the next meeting and ask them for these things <br />and then have to wait for an additional two weeks for them <br />to come back with these answers. They will know now the <br />questions the council wants answered and they can come to <br />the very next meeting with those answers so we can move on <br />with this because I really think we are running a great risk <br />of loosing the whole project because there are so many <br />things tied together. <br />Dave: I think we also have to point out that our city <br />attorney will be leaving town on the 17th and will be gone <br />for a couple of weeks and that is an additional incentive to <br />get some action done here as quickly as possible so he can <br />communicate with any one in his office who would be left <br />behind to tackle this project as to where we're at, what the <br />history is and where we are going. Then we have a <br />communication from Mr. Hunt, who is the only one that I was <br />able to get a hold of. My understanding from the Deputy <br />Clerk, Sharon, is Mr. Williams will be occupied the rest of <br />the week and will not be able to attend the council meeting. <br />Mr. Hunt has stated that he will be able to attend the <br />council meeting at 5 pm on Thursday. Therefore, I would <br />entertain a motion. <br />Mottaz: I move that according to Roberts rules that we <br />adjourn this meeting to 5 p.m. Thursday, June 11th. <br />Dave: that's seconded, those in favor, aye, motion carried. <br />Meeting Adjourned. <br />