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06-09-92 Special CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-09-92 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 9, 1992 6 <br />My conversation with him indicated and he stated again,. <br />that the only communication he has had on this is through by <br />reading the newspaper and then, secondly, that the only <br />thing he knows of is that perk tests were done on his <br />property and he does not know what the purpose of those perk <br />tests were, but he stated that he had no problem with the <br />city doing the perk tests. That makes me a little <br />incredulous, but none -the -less it also tells me that our <br />whole MSA project which relies on us taking care of surface <br />water may be out th window and down the tubes that is repair <br />of the streets, repair of our city water service pipes, to <br />people of the old village as well as our community <br />drainfield. I need, I suppose not, in present company, tell <br />you that this is the street part of it is the 100 percent <br />MSA funded project. I should also tell you that if you are <br />not aware we have an election coming up in 1992 and we have <br />a proposal to be voted upon Thursday in the U.S. Congress <br />for a constitutional amendment that will appear likely to <br />pass, or something to that effect, a law that will call for <br />a reduction in the federal budget and probably some tax <br />increases. That reduction in the federal budget will likely <br />be an across the board which means that state revenue <br />sharing will probably suffer and like manner if that suffers <br />sharing of revenues with the communities with the cites that <br />is already massively reduced from previous years likely to <br />be reduced even further and MSA funds may not be available. <br />I say this the reason for haste in taking action now is that <br />we have an opportunity to assist some people with the <br />assistance of state funds. If we don't take some action <br />very shortly, we may lose the whole works here. That was <br />the purpose of the meeting and the need for us to act <br />rapidly. <br />Sue Dunn: Could I get some history on that? <br />Dave: Excuse me, excuse me, be quiet or I will have you <br />removed. You will remove yourself unless you keep quiet. <br />Dave: I am going to make a motion to recess and I will call <br />our two absent council members and see if we can get a <br />quorum. <br />Those in favor, aye, motion carried. <br />We are in recess. <br />Sue Dunn: There are several different scenarios. You are <br />just looking at the one. <br />
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