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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1992 2 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />B. Letter from Holmes and Graven requesting legal fees <br />on behalf of Susan Dunn and Lee Hunt <br />Councilman Mottaz explained he could not vote on this claim <br />because he has not received a copy of the Judge's findings <br />and requested an itemized list of expenses by Holmes and <br />Graven for Council and City Attorney review. Mottaz asked if <br />this claim can be sent to our Insurance Company. <br />Attorney Filla explained the insurance company denied <br />coverage because this type of claim is not covered by the <br />policy. <br />M/No Second/ Mottaz/No Second - to strike this from the <br />claims and place on agenda the first meeting following the <br />receipt of the detailed accounting of the expenses. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to approve the July 21, 1992 <br />claims as amended, (add claim #790 Holmes & Graven <br />$13,946.49) claims #753 thru claim #790 as presented and <br />direct the city staff to request a detailed accounting of <br />expenses before payment of claim #790 to Holmes & Graven. <br />(Motion carried: 2-1-1:Mottaz, Hunt Abstained from voting on <br />Claim #790). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. "No Parking" Signs on the South and East side of <br />Highlands Trail <br />Dick Miller, 5790 Highlands Trail, suggested consideration <br />of "no parking" on either side of the road and install a <br />parking lot. <br />Chuck Anastasi, 5850 Highlands Trail, explained he thought <br />the original design of the park had a parking lot. He <br />highly suggested installing a parking lot and posting "no <br />parking" signs on one side. When he walked by the park <br />during a ball game, there were 32 cars parked there. <br />Councilman Johnson indicated he got a call from a Parks <br />Commissioner who asked that action be taken until the Parks <br />Commission looks at the proposal. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mottaz - to remand this issue to the Parks <br />Commission for their recommendation with the proposal that a <br />40 stall parking lot be installed as shown in the location <br />of Tom Prew's letter and that 100' either side of the <br />driveway to the parking lot be designated as a "no parking <br />area". (Motion carried 4-0). <br />