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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1992 6 <br />D. Ordinance Rezoning From RR to RE, Gene Peltier <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to adopt Ordinance 8068 rezoning the <br />property requested by Gene Peltier described in said <br />ordinance from Rural Residential (RR) to Residential Estates <br />(RE) as supported by the Future Land Use Map, the <br />Comprehensive Plan and by the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Resolution No. 92-16, Hidden Valley <br />The City Attorney provided a copy of Resolution No 92-16, <br />adopted by the Council on July 14th, 1992, on the plat known <br />as Hidden Valley in the City of Oakdale. <br />F. Striping on 53rd Street in Arabian Hills <br />The City Administrator received a telephone call asking if <br />the city would consider striping a portion of the road that <br />would be used for a bike path. <br />If this is designated a bike trail and was not included in <br />the trail designation plan of the Park Plan that was just <br />adopted, the comp plan would have to be amended. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - that this matter be remanded to the <br />Parks Commission and that the Parks Commission be directed <br />to contact the resident involved and to come back to the <br />city council with a well thought out recommendation. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Kenko: Work Performance on Water System <br />Installation: Recommendation to Call Bond <br />Since Kenko Inc. received his letter giving them a 7-day <br />notice to terminate the contract, Tom Prew reported Kenko <br />has completed sodding and plumbing work that needed to be <br />finished. Prew reported a curb stop still needed to be <br />fixed, a meter needed to be installed in Fire Station #2 and <br />one homeowner did not want to be hooked up to the water <br />system. <br />B. Highlands Trail/DeMontreville Park Parking Concerns <br />Tom Prew reported in his letter dated July 17, 1992 it is <br />estimated that at the park-s current use there is a need for <br />about 40 parking spots. There is room to construct a 40- <br />stall parking lot to serve the park. The estimated cost is <br />$10,000 and could be included in the 1992 street maintenance <br />program. <br />