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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1992 2 <br />5. PUBLIC HEARING: Shoreland Permit with Variance <br />Jack Zetterberg, 8018 Hill Trail N. <br />Mayor Johnson opened up the public hearing at 8:06 p.m. in <br />the city council chambers. The Public hearing notice was <br />published in the July 22nd St. Croix Valley Press and the <br />adjacent propertyowners were notified. DNR had no objection <br />to this request. <br />Jack Zetterberg, 8018 Hill Trail N., is requesting a 4-foot <br />variance, which would allow construction of a new addition <br />to the west end of his house,, placing the new structure 96 <br />feet back from the 930 normal high water mark. <br />There was no one to speak against the variance request. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 8:08 p.m. <br />Councilman Johnson stated he would be in favor of granting <br />this variance based on the fact that DNR had no objection to <br />this request and that the impact to the environment, to the <br />neighborhood and to our ordinances is minimal. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to grant a shoreland permit with <br />a 4' variance to the requirement of 100' from the NOHWM to <br />allow construction of an addition to the west end of his <br />house based on the 5 reasons stated in Mike Black's memo <br />dated July 16, 1992: (Motion carried 2-1: Mayor Johnson: <br />Granting this variance is starting a precedent and by <br />granting this same kind of request to another applicant <br />could cause neighbors problem) <br />1. Other portions of the existing home are closer than 100 <br />feet to the normal high water elevation. <br />2. Only a small portion of the proposed addition will <br />encroach upon the required 100 foot setback. <br />3. The new addition will not be closer to the lake than <br />the two neighboring structures. <br />4. There will be limited visibility of the structure from <br />the lake, due to topography and existing trees. <br />5. The building addition will not be out of character with <br />the area and will not be detrimental to surrounding <br />properties. <br />