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08-04-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-04-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1992 3 <br />6. OLD BUSINESS• <br />A. Cimarron Park Storm Shelters - Fran Pott <br />The City Council received a memo, July 31, 1992, from Fran <br />Pott, Emergency Manager, informing the council of the <br />meeting held at Cimarron to discuss the requirements for the <br />shelters as seen by Cimarron residents. <br />Sandra Durand, NHD, stated they do not have the money to pay <br />for this; therefore, funding should be the number one <br />priority. She would be willing to work together on this and <br />would appreciate any assistance from the City. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to accept the plan as outlined <br />in Fran Pott's memo, dated July 31, 1992, and that the <br />deadline for completion of the shelters be extended to May <br />15, 1993 and the city administrator contact the state health <br />dept and get their opinion on the 70% utilization factor. <br />(Motion carried 3-0). <br />B. VBWD Water Management Plan Amendment <br />The City Council received Section II: Land and Water <br />Resources Inventory, the first chapter to be prepared <br />relative to VBWD's water management plan revision. City <br />Engineer Tom Prew will review the information submitted. <br />City Engineer Karen Chandler, VBWD engineer, has asked if <br />the city would like to have a representative on the <br />committee that is working on this project. The City Council <br />requested that Barb Walsh be asked if she would be <br />interested in representing the city and have this response <br />at the next council meeting. <br />C. Limited Business Ordinance <br />Mayor Johnson provided a handout on Limited Business <br />Districts to the Council that he and Councilman Mottaz had <br />worked out. Since two council members were absent from the <br />meeting, the following motion was made: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to postpone consideration of <br />this item until the next meeting and that all council <br />members and staff be given this suggestion that was prepared <br />and to discuss it at the next council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 3-0). <br />D. Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed <br />Rose Armstrong provided the council with an amended joint <br />powers agreement, dated August 4, 1992 with additional <br />changes made by the City Council. <br />
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