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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 2 <br />Sue Dunn asked if Mayor Johnson could bring to the public <br />and apprise the rest of the Council of the dealings he is <br />making for Lake Elmo such as a community center with an <br />historical museum. Mayor Johnson explained he would like to <br />see a senior center along with a historical museum and this <br />was made as a comment to the Heritage Preservation <br />Commission. He has not negotiated with anybody to come up <br />with such a proposal. <br />Rita Conlin, 8560 Ironwood Trail, commented on the August <br />4th Council minutes where a motion was made as to whether or <br />not the landfill referendum funds could be used for street <br />improvements. Conlin indicated she would be outraged if the <br />landfill referendum funds were used for anything other than <br />what they were designated for. There will be another siting <br />process put into effect and Lake Elmo needs to be on guard. <br />Mayor Johnson explained at that time they discussed street <br />improvements, but it was one of any number of things that <br />those funds could be used for. At a budget workshop meeting <br />the Council decided that these funds are going to stay there <br />until we are certain that this Lake Elmo siting is over. <br />Margaret Carlson, 8735 24th St. N., stated with the approval <br />of the Met Council for the MUSA extension, Lake Elmo will <br />probably expect commercial development along I-94. It is <br />important for the city to respond effectively and fairly to <br />these development proposals. In the article she read in the <br />newspaper Mayor Johnson made a comment concerning a phantom <br />developer. Carlson felt it was a lot to expect for a <br />council to be able to approve development plans unless they <br />are brought first to the planning commission and then <br />brought before the council. Mayor Johnson stated we are not <br />certain of the firms identity and in any case we have been <br />asked not to reveal any names even if we knew it. <br />B. Gordon Moosbrugger, VBWD <br />Mr. Gordon Moosbrugger indicated he was interested in <br />continuing to serve on the Valley Branch Watershed District <br />and thanked the Council for inviting him to the meeting. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - that the city council endorses Gordon <br />Moosbrugger to another term on the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />5. OLD BUSINESS• <br />A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Update <br />B. Limited Business - Business Park <br />Councilman Williams explained that the primary justification <br />for extension of the MUSA to the proposed area has from the <br />beginning been the possibility of having a large, valuable <br />office building built on the site. The fact that the site <br />would be owned and controlled by one, financially stable <br />