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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 3 <br />landowner has been part of the attractiveness of the whole <br />proposal. It has been rumored in the press that this <br />potential developer is a "large insurance firm". However so <br />far this potential developer has remained a "phantom <br />developer" to this Council as a body. <br />Williams added now it is time for this Council, acting as a <br />body, not just one individual, to make decisions which will <br />have long lasting and very significant effects on this city <br />and listed his concerns if we'proceed with extending the <br />MUSA and extending services to this area, but do not get <br />this phantom development or it is not as valuable or big as <br />we heard. Councilman Williams' entire explanation is made <br />part of these minutes. <br />Mayor Johnson responded that we have already stated that we <br />are not going to upfront anything, but we are going to <br />insist on one or a combination of financial mechanisms <br />required for this project and felt that Councilman Williams, <br />concerns were unfounded. <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - that consideration of this resolution <br />approving the Comprehensive Plan amendment be postponed <br />until there exists a developers' contract, signed by the <br />landowner, and acceptable to this City Council, which <br />commits the landowner to building a structure of a certain <br />value within the proposed MUSA area by a certain date to be <br />determined, and which specifies how the utilities to the <br />area, especially sewer and water, will be financed, <br />Furthermore, the city staff is directed to transmit this <br />decision to the landowner with the request for prompt action <br />in arranging a meeting between the proposed developer and <br />this City Council to begin negotiating this contract. In <br />addition the resolution should be remanded to the PZ for <br />their comments on how its provision will impact the city at <br />large. (Motion failed: 2-2 Mayor Johnson: He agreed with the <br />general comment to have the developer in and solicit the <br />needed information, but not demand a developers agreement <br />before we get on with substantial work, Mottaz). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to invite United Properties, the <br />developer, and PZ to a joint meeting with the City Council <br />on September 29th and that they be prepared to answer any <br />questions of the Council and that the PZ look at the <br />Resolution and Limited Business Ordinance and have their <br />comments returned to the council by October 6th and direct <br />the city staff to address questions raised as to <br />interpretation of conditions in the proposed resolution. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />