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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1992 2 <br />C. Ordinance 80 Rezoning from Rural Residential to <br />Agricultural - Tom Soderberg <br />D. Resolution No. 92- Granting a Conditional Use Permit <br />for an Equestrian Center - Tom Soderberg <br />Mr. Dale Froyum, Froyum Associates, indicated he has worked <br />with the St. Croix Equestrian Center in an advisory capacity <br />and what they have found is that livestock has to be <br />integrated into the community; therefore, management <br />techniques are the key. The number of horses is based on <br />perceived needs and the number maximizes as the facility <br />increases or as the use is needed. In terms of the horse <br />industry this is not a commercial site where there is <br />buying, selling, trading and daily interchange of horses and <br />people. This facility is determined to be a service <br />facility because it provides a service to the public to <br />participate in another activity that would allow them some <br />type of recreational goal. The site is a positive site <br />because of the size and the border of the park (normal <br />encroachment of housing is not a problem). The plan fulfills <br />the requirement in terms of safety for horses and <br />participants and protecting encroachment upon the <br />neighborhood. <br />Councilman Mottaz found unanimous agreement with everyone he <br />talked to from the University of Minnesota to different <br />cities and stable owners, that 140 horses on this amount of <br />acreage is too many horses. Mottaz found that the City of <br />Minnetrista has an ordinance made up after all the stable <br />owners and people interested in horses in Minnetrista, <br />together with the Planning Commission and City Council, drew <br />up an ordinance which does not allow under a commercial <br />stable operation more than one horse per half acre of <br />pasturable land. Therefore, he would limit this operation to <br />70 horses. Mottaz suggested that the City consider adopting <br />such conditions in an ordinance. <br />Attorney Filla stated that the owners of the property are <br />Andrew Inc. and the contract purchasers are Genie Arabians, <br />Inc. and Tom Soderberg is an officer of this organization. <br />(Genie Arabians, dba St.Croix Equestrian Center) and that he <br />had no title concerns on the property. <br />Attorney Filla, Tom Soderberg and his attorney will meet to <br />set a step policy on boarding a certain number of horses <br />over a particular time period based on the best management <br />practices. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - whereas the applicant has agreed to <br />an extension of time for council consideration of his <br />request until the September 1st meeting, I therefore move <br />that this matter be postponed until that time. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />