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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1992 <br />The Council acknowledged receiving a letter from Planning <br />Commission Chairman Wyn John suggesting wording be added as <br />an introduction to the C.U.P.. <br />E. Limited Business <br />The Council postponed discussion on uses until they can get <br />a better reading from the Metropolitan Council staff as to <br />which of the proposed uses are unacceptable. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to direct the City Administrator to <br />contact Mary Anderson of the Met Council as to what <br />potential uses submitted by the Planning Commission and <br />Mayor Johnson would be allowed or would not be allowed. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />F. Ordinance 8069 Manhole Covers (secure & seal) <br />MIS/ Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to adopt Ordinance 8069 <br />Councilman Williams talked to Mr. Gustafson, Univ of <br />Minnesota, who stated sealant was not necessary for the <br />following reasons: odiferous gases are heavier than air and <br />remain in the tank and if gases do escape the tank but pass <br />through soil around the lid they are destroyed and sealant <br />makes it difficult for septic pumpers to remove the lid. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to amend the motion to include to <br />adopt Ordinance 8069 as amended (Delete sentence: Either <br />method used will require that manhole be sealed with a <br />sealant such as Rubber Resin Conseal CS-101 or a comparable <br />equivalent.) Adding Section 701.40 (D)(3)(k)(1)(c) to the <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />G. County Roads 19 and 10 Accidents <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the City staff to send a <br />letter to the County Board requesting that they install a <br />yellow/red flashing semaphore system at the intersection of <br />County Rd 19 and 10 or explain the reasons why not in face <br />of the documented number of accidents and fatalities. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />H. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that the Met Council staff <br />recommended granting the MUSA extension conditioned upon: <br />(1) Restricting commercial and industrial land uses to those <br />that are consistent with the council's new policies for the <br />general rural use area and (2) Adopt an ordinance to impose <br />flow restrictions and demonstrate how it will implement a <br />monitoring mechanism that will insure compliance with flow <br />restrictions for the MUSA extension area. <br />