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MINUTES APPROVED: 10-6-92 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 <br />Acting Mayor Williams called the Employee Evaluation <br />Workshop to order at 6:10 p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />PRESENT: Hunt, Dick Johnson, Mayor Johnson (arrived 6:50 <br />p.m.), Mottaz (arrived 7:00 p.m.) and Williams. Employees <br />Present: Kueffner, Banister, McNamara, Lumby, Olinger, <br />Bouthilet, Buckles and Gustafson. <br />DISCUSSION ON EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS: <br />Councilman Johnson indicated the council ought to listen to <br />the public and get their reaction to the 26% budget <br />increase, set the budget and increases, and then it becomes <br />the City Administrator's responsibility to apportion that <br />amongst the staff based on performance. In order for them o <br />approve a pay plan, it is micromanaging. We set general <br />policies and a percent increase overall, and it is up to the <br />administrator to set salaries. <br />Councilman Hunt would like to see everyone at least into the <br />LOW level of their pay range, but should have some leeway <br />for excellent performance and a merit increase. It is up to <br />the City Administrator to decide where that goes. If she <br />needs more money in the pay plan to do that, she should tell <br />the Council. <br />Councilman Williams explained that the direction of the City <br />Council was for the Administrator to come back with a pay <br />plan that reflected the performance appraisals such that the <br />largest increase was a total of 6% for 1992. Two of the <br />proposals are in excess of that. He had a problem with an <br />employee not getting any increase for two years, except for <br />the 2% cost of living, despite of his doing a great job. A <br />pay raise should be related to performance. He was not <br />comfortable with taking $11,000 out of Reserves. A 20-25% <br />increase proposed for two employees is too much in any one <br />year. Last April, the proposed salaried increase was not <br />going to be retroactive to the beginning of the year. <br />Because it took so long for the performance appraisals, all <br />the employees should not be penalized. He would be willing <br />to make whatever 1992 increase they approve retroactive to <br />the mid -year. As far as getting people up on to the low end <br />of the scale, a 10% or 15% increase is maximum in one year. <br />They are not going to be able to factor in merit increase <br />for the 1992 rate as he had hoped they could, but felt it <br />was imperative we do that for the 1993 rate. <br />