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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1993 6 <br />7. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: <br />A. C.I.P. Trailer for hauling blacktop roller <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston - to approve the request for a <br />maintenance trailer for the maintenance department from <br />Carlson Equipment at the cost of $1,725.00 plus tax (6.5%) <br />and to forgo another review by the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee as they already reviewed this request for <br />purchase. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. C.I.P. Purchase of four-wheel drive utility tractor <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - to direct the staff to forward the <br />request by the Public Works Dept. for a four wheel drive <br />utility tractor at a cost of $47,000 without trade, (trade <br />in $7,500-$12,000) to the Maintenance Advisory Committee for <br />review and ask that their recommendation be brought back to <br />the city council. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Discussion on Uniform Street Assessment Policy <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer gave a presentation on a more <br />uniform method of assessments for street overlays and <br />reconstruction. <br />Councilmember Conlin felt more discussion was needed because <br />she felt this was coming from a particular interest group <br />and didn't know if it warranted the city to change its <br />policy. Up until this time assessments were charged per <br />unit, and there was not one assessment appeal for the 17 <br />street projects done by the City. Conlin voiced her problem <br />with this being pushed through over the entire city. She <br />felt the policy the city was following was the fairest, but <br />they should further discuss MSA projects. <br />Bohrer will provide cost figures for street improvements <br />using the modern subdivisions such as Arabian Hills or <br />Stonegate for discussion at the next council meeting. <br />B. Olson Lake Estates <br />Bohrer reported that he had talked to Karen Chandler, VBWD <br />engineer, who indicated that conditions have improved and <br />the threat is less than a couple of weeks ago. First of <br />all, the pond level in Olson Lakes Estates has gone down six <br />inches. This means the pond has continued to seep out the <br />bottom even though the top is frozen. Secondly, the <br />estimated water content in the snow in the whole watershed <br />that is tributary to this area has decreased from an <br />estimated 2.1" of equivalent water to 1.7" of equivalent <br />