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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1993 7 <br />water. All the results on the water quality testing done by <br />the VBWD are not in. Bohrer will update the council every <br />two weeks on this situation. <br />C. 1993 MSA Feasibility Study <br />The Council had authorized a preparation of a feasibility <br />report for the reconstruction of Jamaca Avenue from TH5 to <br />Lake Jane Trail and Lake Jane Trail from Jamaca Avenue to <br />Jane Road. Bohrer informed the council that a survey has not <br />been done on Lake Jane Trail so he does not have the <br />information to answer detailed questions at the public <br />hearing; such as proximity of trees or if Lake Jane Trail is <br />in the center of the r-o-w. Bohrer was not promoting the <br />expenditure of these funds, such a survey would cost $5,000, <br />but was asking the question as to what level of detail does <br />the council feel should be provided. The survey would need <br />to be done anyway if project is ordered. The survey cost is <br />covered by MSA funds if project is ordered. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston - to authorize TKDA to perform a <br />survey for Lake Jane Trail from Jamaca Avenue to Jane Road <br />at a cost of not more than $5,000. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Preparation for Storm Water Utility Information <br />Meeting <br />Larry Bohrer will provide the Council with a synopsis of his <br />presentation for this meeting. If the council feels <br />something needs to specifically be addressed, they should <br />call him. Councilman Johnson asked for an explanation on <br />our relationship with the VBWD and how our plan has to fit <br />in with theirs. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEYS REPORT: None <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John reported he attended the February 11th <br />meeting of the Valley Branch Watershed District. He was <br />disturbed to find that no agenda was in circulation prior to <br />the meeting and that minutes of previous meetings were <br />distributed in batches. The chair indicated that a phone <br />call could determine agenda items. In the absence of <br />minutes and vague descriptions of agenda subjects, John <br />considered this to be prejudicial to Lake Elmo interests and <br />contrary to the intent of the open meeting regulations. John <br />wrote to the Board of Soil and Water Management, which <br />oversees watershed activities, asking for the regulations <br />and the mandates of Watershed Districts to be reviewed. In <br />situations which can impact the interests of neighboring <br />cities, it is vitally important that the Watershed Districts <br />