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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-2-93 <br />MINUTES AMENDED: 7-20-93 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEETING <br />FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the emergency meeting to discuss the <br />city's strategy in opposition of House File 220 at 3:11 p.m, <br />PRESENT: John, Conlin, Johnson, Administrator Kueffner, <br />State Representative Pamela Neary, City Attorney Filla <br />(arrived 3:20). <br />State Representative Pam Neary reported she will be meeting <br />with Oakdale on Monday night. There is strong interest <br />among the staff and one city council member to not have this <br />legislation go through, but to sit down with the Lake Elmo <br />City Council. She has talked to MnDOT who will not take a <br />stand either way on this, but indicated typical procedure <br />would be to offer this land to the public entity within <br />whose boundaries it resides. She is getting confirmation <br />from the Dept. of Transportation to make sure that there is <br />no other MnDOT property within the description of Section 33 <br />that may have been inadvertently be encompassed by this <br />bill. She has contacted United Properties who are willing <br />to come and testify. <br />Neary was hopeful that there would not be the hearing on <br />Tuesday, February 23rd. Neary explained where she is coming <br />from had to do with the process and not on the merits of <br />whether or not this land should be annexed. A number of <br />things should be stressed in this hearing: process, expense, <br />and point out that the city came up with some agreement with <br />United Properties and that this particular company is also <br />looking at options in Oakdale and Woodbury. Neary voiced her <br />strong preference for both cities to sit down and come up <br />with a solution so it isn't decided in court. She urged the <br />Council to go into the meeting with no assumptions about <br />motivations because the key issue is what affect this would <br />have on your City. At this time no meeting date was set for <br />the two cities to meet. <br />Attorney Filla agreed with Rep. Neary for the two cities to <br />get together because what this bill allows is for one or <br />both of the cities to continue to ignore each other. <br />Councilman Johnson pointed out the Council approved a <br />Resolution where the Lake Elmo Council offered to meet with <br />the Oakdale City Council to identify and discuss matters of <br />mutual concern in connection with the development of <br />property within Section 32 and Section 33, Copies of <br />Resolution No. 93-10 will be sent to every member of the <br />Local Government & Metropolitan Affairs Committee. <br />The Council amended Resolution No, 93-10 to reflect both the <br />House File 220 bill and the Senate Pile 491 bill, <br />