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02-19-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-19-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEETING 2-19-93 2 <br />Councilman Johnson asked what happens to the SAC units if <br />the MnDOT land is annexed to Oakdale. Attorney Filla <br />responded if those units are available for use in this area <br />and if part of this area goes to Oakdale, Lake Elmo will <br />loose those SAC units available from this site. Filla also <br />pointed out that the bill is mistitled. In terms of <br />interpretation you look at the content of the bill instead <br />of the title, but the title is very misleading. <br />Councilman Johnson felt it was essential the City have legal <br />representation at the subcommittee hearing on Tuesday. <br />Therefore, he made the following motion: <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to authorize Attorney Filla to attend <br />the subcommittee hearing on Tuesday, February 23rd (Motion <br />carried 3-0). <br />Mayor John will gave a brief history and introduced <br />Resolution 93-10 adopted by the Council which the <br />subcommittee received copies of. The Lake Elmo Council has <br />endorsed meeting with Oakdale to try to resolve these issues <br />on a local basis and does not need to have special <br />legislation or other people less impacted make these <br />decisions. Attorney Filla will point out the consequences <br />of this action on our Comp Plan and as a city how critical <br />it is to maintain control. If anyone looks at this <br />configuration most people are going to conclude that Oakdale <br />and.Lake Elmo should sit down and work this out because it <br />is not good for the citizens who live in that area. <br />Neary explained that if the bill is heard Tuesday as <br />scheduled, it would have to be passed by the subcommittee in <br />order to get to the full committee. The next step is to hear <br />the bill on the floor and the final step is put it in front <br />of the senate. There is a deadline of April 4th. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - adjourn the emergency meeting a 5:10 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />
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