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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-2-93 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING <br />SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY <br />TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the public informational meeting to order <br />at 7:33 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: John, <br />Mottaz, Conlin, Johnston, Johnson, City Engineer Bohrer and <br />Administrator Kueffner. <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer presented the following summary <br />for Surface Water Management Utility: <br />The City of Lake Elmo has a surface water drainage <br />system which consists of ponds, wetlands, ditches, culverts, <br />dikes, weirs, storm sewers, catch basins and manholes. The <br />City is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair <br />and improvement of this system. In the past, funding for <br />this work has been provided by the general tax levy and has <br />not been sufficient for anticipated expenditures. The City <br />Council has sought a fairer way of funding this work based <br />on amount of runoff rather than property value. Since all <br />properties within the City are believed to generate runoff, <br />all properties contribute to the need for this fund. <br />Minnesota Law allows a City to operate its drainage <br />system as a utility, much the same way it may operate a <br />water or sewer system. A utility fee is charged based on <br />usage. In a surface water utility, that usage is defined as <br />the amount of runoff produced by that property. The fee <br />calculation is based on the volume when comparing one land <br />use type to another land use type. For example, the amount <br />of runoff generated by one acre of commercial or industrial <br />use is, on the average, three times the volume generated by <br />the average residential lot because of the greater amount of <br />impervious area. This ratio is defined as the Utility <br />Factor. The revenue from the Surface Water Utility will be <br />used for preparation of a Surface Water Management Plan, <br />maintenance of existing ditches, culverts, ponds and storm <br />sewers, capital improvements in developed areas, equipment, <br />planning, inventories and water quality improvements, <br />including weed control <br />A draft ordinance establishing a Surface Water Management <br />Utility had been prepared for review, along with a policy on <br />the operation of the utility, and suggested fee schedule. <br />Prior to adoption, the City Council is seeking public <br />comment on the proposed ordinance. <br />