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Dora Lee, Cimarron, stated her rent is already enough to <br />take care of the ponds and culverts. She pays extra to have <br />flood insurance because her home was flooded because of the <br />culvert behind her. <br />Floyd Olson, Cimarron, asked when the Council looks at this <br />ordinance to consider the rate that is going to be imposed <br />on the park owners for that land usage because its going to <br />come back to affect 500 residents in this community. How <br />could the benefit be determined for a Cimarron home? A <br />Cimarron homeowner would be paying $13/Yr, versus a <br />residential lot, approx. 1 1/2 acres, would pay $10/Yr. <br />Michelle, Cimarron Park Manager, figured it would be <br />$13/Year per Cimarron home based on 214 acres for Cimarron <br />Park x proposed rate $30.80/acre divided by 500 residents. <br />Beverly Pletsch, Tablyn Park, felt this meeting wasn't <br />publicized enough, and we should have another meeting. The <br />budget was cut $67,000 and now the city wants to levy <br />another tax. Isn't this work what the Watershed District use <br />to do? Will we not have the Watershed charge anymore? <br />Jim Palecek, Jamley Avenue, reported he gets backup on 28th <br />St. & Ivy Avenue since the VBWD installed a small culvert <br />and asked if the City Council could put some pressure on the <br />VBWD. Mayor John suggested he go to the VBWD meeting on <br />Thursday. <br />Another resident asked if there was an estimate of expected <br />revenues and estimate of expenditures. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Mottaz - to continue the Public Information <br />meeting on Surface Water Management Utility to March 23, <br />1993, (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/Mottaz - to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />