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03-02-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-93 CCM
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agreement the capacity would be stay with Lake Elmo. Both Rita and Wyn <br />1 felt that we had no authority to assume that such a decision would be <br />supported by the Metropolitan Commission. <br />In response to Pam, Wyn stated that he did not feel that the Oakdale offer <br />was attractive enough for him to feel comfortable in offering it to the Lake <br />Elmo council. All it did was to provide a sewer line of enough capacity to <br />meet Lake Elmo's short term needs, assuming .that the capacity would still <br />be available after the land transfer. If Oakdale were able to provide a <br />"loan" of sewer capacity to enable the MUSA to be extended to the bounds <br />of our original submission, then maybe this was something we could offer <br />the Council for consideration. We would "replace" this capacity when the <br />project for increasing the capacity of the WONE interceptor to meet <br />Woodbury needs was ordered. <br />Rita Conlin suggested that as we were being asked to transfer land to <br />Oakdale, that some land should be transferred to Lake Elmo in exchange. <br />She suggested that perhaps a parcel in the SE corner would be appropriate. <br />Ted Bearth's reply was short - "No way". When Wyn John expressed <br />surprise that he could be so forthright, Ted Bearth replied that that was his <br />characteristic - to tell it like it is. As the owner in this parcel had asked for <br />annexation, he did not feel he could now undo that request and return the <br />land owner to Lake Elmo. <br />Wyn John responded that if the landowner's sole reason for requesting <br />annexation had been the lack of sewer availablity, this deficiency would be <br />remedied by the construction of the proposed 4th Street sewer. It might <br />not then matter (to the landowner) if the land were to be transferred back <br />to Lake Elmo. <br />He also felt that with the current situation, there was nothing preventing <br />Lake Elmo putting in a sewer along 4th Street to tie in with the Business <br />Park Area. Although it might not be an economically viable solution, the <br />streets being in Lake Elmo provided that right, for which we did not need <br />Oakdale approval. This was yet another reason why Oakdale's proposal <br />gave no perceived benefit to Lake Elmo. <br />Ted Bearth remarked that Oakdale had always been a supportive friend of <br />Lake Elmo. He cited the unsigned agreement which had been reached with <br />Sue Dunn, Lee Hunt and Todd Williams (who was NEVER involved in any <br />such discussions), Oakdale support of Lake Elmo over the proposed Bishop <br />an and its preparedness to provide Oakdale City water to Lake <br />Elmo homes whose water supply was contaminated. <br />
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